The Canadian Science Policy Centre (CSPC) invites industry leaders and experts to join a national conversation on Canada’s long-term innovation strategy by sharing insights and solutions for reversing Canada’s declining innovation performance.
Canada needs to improve its innovation performance. A national conversation can help collect insights on how to do it.
The National Conversation on Canada’s Innovation Strategy will discuss:
- Emerging trends that are critical for the future of innovation in key industrial sectors,
- How an innovation strategy could be designed to adapt to future trends,
- Priorities for the strategy to ensure long-term success,
- And more…
Add your voice to the conversation by:
- Sharing your insights in an opinion piece for a special digital edition of the CSPC Magazine
- Taking part in sector-based (virtual) consultation sessions (Fall 2024) (By invitation only, limited to industry associations)
- Attending the in-person Innovation Strategy Symposium at the 16th Canadian Science Policy Conference (Nov. 20, 2024, at the Westin Hotel, Ottawa)
Senior executives of industry associations, experts, and thought leaders from the Canadian innovation community, federal/provincial/territorial/municipal governments, innovation networks and academia are invited to contribute to this critical national initiative. Key industrial sectors that will be targeted include (but are not limited to):
- Advanced Manufacturing (chemical, auto, aerospace, plastics, steel, paper and others)
- Agriculture & Agrifood (crop/livestock production, food processing and others)
- Health and Biosciences (pharmaceuticals, medical devices, therapeutics, diagnostics, public health)
- Digital and High Tech industries (ICT, artificial intelligence, quantum technologies and others)
- Natural Resources (mining, forestry, fisheries, oil/gas, renewable energy)
- Clean Tech (energy storage & infrastructure, transportation, water/wastewater, chemistry & materials, recycling & waste and others)
Thank you to our sponsors
Expected Outcomes:
The National Conversation project will deepen our collective understanding of the key issues and highlight priorities for further discussions, consultations and policy considerations.
All discussions will be summarized and synthesized and made publicly available.
Investment impact:
Make sure the voices and insights of your sector are being heard and seen. These sponsorship opportunities will ensure your organization’s brand exposure on this important national project.
Approach: The National Conversation would center around four activities:
- Featured editorial series in a CSPC special edition Magazine
- Sector-based consultation sessions (Fall 2024)
- An Innovation Strategy Symposium (Nov. 20, 2024)
- A potential networking reception (Nov. 19, 2024)
Content: Topics to be discussed include:
- Emerging trends that are critical for the future of innovation in each industry
- How an innovation strategy could be designed to adapt to future trends
- Priorities for the strategy to ensure long-term success
Content Contributors: Content would be encouraged from:
- Leaders of industry associations
- Senior government executives in science, technology and innovation (STI)
- Experts and thought leaders of innovation policy (including academic experts)
- Leaders of the Global Innovation Clusters
Expected Outcomes: The National Conversation project will deepen our collective understanding of the key issues and highlight priorities for further discussions, consultations and policy considerations. All discussions will be summarized and synthesized, and will be publicized to the public. CSPC, subject to its bandwidth, will further continue to identify and discuss potential ideas to strengthen the performance of Canada’s STI Ecosystem. This will be in the form of additional workshops that may be held over Spring/Summer 2025, leading to an additional symposium at CSPC 2025.
Sectors to be consulted: Sectors to be targeted include (but are not limited to):
- Life Science and Agri-Food
- Advanced Manufacturing
- High Tech (IT, Quantum, AI, others)
- Resource sector
Industrial Advisors: CSPC will engage several STI leaders, including (but not limited to):
- One ADM from ISED (your choice)
- Sue Paish (CEO Digital Supercluster)
- Valerie Pisano (President and CEO of Mila – Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute)
- Namir Annani (CEO ICTC)
- Michele Lajeunesse (VP Tech Nation)
- Andrew Casey (CEO BIOTECanada)
- Shannon Quinn (VP NRC )
- Ilse Treurnicht
- Robert Atkinson
- TB from the Resource Sector
- David Watters, CSPC Board Member
- Karimah Es Sabar, CSPC Board Member
- Andre Albinati, CSPC Board Member