16th Canadian Science Policy Conference
November 20th-22nd, 2024, at the Westin Ottawa hotel
CSPC 2024 Theme:
Empowering Society: The Transformative Value of Science, Knowledge, and Innovation
CSPC is thrilled to announce that the Panel Submissions for this year’s conference have exceeded expectations. CSPC received 97 Panel proposals and 27 Short Talk submissions. The review process is currently ongoing and successful proposals will be informed in early June.
Thank you to all who have submitted!
Track 1: Science, Knowledge, and Policy
- The national STI ecosystem: Strategy for the next ten years; building on strengths and opportunities; addressing weaknesses
- Managing the evolving/changing research landscape: AI, Open Science
- Evidence for policy
- Science policy futures
- Major research initiatives, research infrastructure, large research facilities
- Science advice and policymaking in AI era
- Research security, new measures, and implications for Canadian research
- Indigenous knowledge and policymaking
- Local, regional, and national science policy and Canadian federalism
- EDI in Science next chapter
Track 2: Science, Knowledge, and Society
- Public trust
- Systemic racism, otherism
- Science in support of democracy
- Science, Knowledge, and Truth and Reconciliation
- Ethics of emerging technologies
- Science and innovation: public education
- Scientists, research, and communities
- Citizen Scientist
- Science in a multi-lingual world
Track 3: Innovation Policy and Economic Development
- Canada’s industry and innovation strategy
- Emerging economic opportunities
- Emerging and disruptive technologies
- Sector policies and challenges
- Multi-sectoral collaboration
- Scale up and commercialization
- Inclusive innovation
Track 4: Science, International Affairs and Security
- International science, technology, innovation and knowledge (STIK) agreements and Canada’s interest
- Assessing and fostering Canadian global leadership in STIK
- Strategic approaches to international opportunities, collaboration
- Science diplomacy, research security and geopolitics
- Scientists on the move
Track 5: Science and the Next Generation
- Career transitions
- Talent development in a fast-changing landscape
- Enabling the next generation of researchers with non-research skills
- Trainees’ well-being
- Grassroots science policy networks, opportunities and lessons learned
- New mechanisms; connecting trainees to policy
Track 6: Grand Challenges – Adaptation, Resilience, Canada’s Role
- Climate change
- Health
- The North
- Food, agriculture, water
- Energy transitions, energy security
- Ocean economy and conservation