Navigating Uncertainty; Targeting Sustainability
CSPC 2022 will be back in Ottawa for the first time in two years. The 14th Canadian Science Policy Conference (CSPC 2022), will be held in person on November 16th – 18th, 2022. The conference expects 1000 participants, more than 300 speakers, in 60 panel sessions. CSPC 2022 will also include a spectacular Gala dinner featuring its award ceremony which has become a signature annual event to celebrate Canadian science and innovation policy achievements.
We invite you to submit proposals in a variety of presentation formats that revolve around any of the conference topics. The conference tracks and topic can be found below.
Track 1: Science and Policy
- Evidence-based decision making and:
- Accelerating policy decision making
- A whole-of-government approach
- Data-driven framework for decision making and selection of priorities
- Science advice: open science advisory principles, processes and mechanisms in the new normal
- Towards a new social contract for science and innovation and:
- Mission-oriented research
- Interdisciplinarity/Transdisciplinary; co-production of knowledge; breaking silos; multi-sectoral collaboration
- High risk, high reward research
- Big science: long-term planning; managing priorities and investments
- Evolution in research assessment
- Research security, privacy
- Open science
- Pan Canadian collaboration (FPT) for science and innovation
- Indigenous knowledge:
- Braiding Indigenous science and knowledge with western science
- Integration of traditional knowledge in planning and policy;
- GBA+ analysis in science and innovation
- Place-based science policy and innovation, e.g., at the municipal level
- Scientific integrity
Track 2: Science and Society
- Science and Reconciliation
- Science literacy
- Inclusion of diverse forms of knowledge and ways of knowing
- Science and democracy
- Science and human rights
- Tension, skepticism and public trust: in science and science institutions post-pandemic
- Science communication
- Privacy vs security
Track 3: Innovation and Economic Development
- Innovation strategy for:
- Economic recovery
- A digital economy
- The circular and blue economies
- Resource sectors
- Foresight and emerging and disruptive technologies: policy development; ethics; consumer protection, consumer acceptance
- Innovation, trade and supply chain
- Innovation and regional development
- Scale-up and commercialization of Made-in-Canada technologies
Track 4: Science, International Affairs and Security
- Research security and international collaboration
- Cybersecurity
- International STI agreements and Canada’s national interest
- Science diplomacy and geopolitical shifts
- International STI collaboration in post-pandemic world
- Science, Innovation in an Indo-Pacific Strategy
Track 5: Science and The Next Generation
- Skills training in science and innovation
- Pandemic: impact on trainees and ECRs
- Evolution of science policy education
- Climate literacy in youth
- Science entrepreneurs
- Enabling the next generation through:
- Multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary research
- Equity, diversity and inclusiveness
Track 6: Grand Challenges
- Climate change and:
- Adaptation and mitigation
- Net-zero emissions
- Innovation in urban spaces
- Infrastructure and resilience
- Biodiversity and extinction
- Marine ecosystems; ocean conservation
- Impacts on racialized communities
- Climate resilient communities
- Transportation
- Climate data strategy
- Energy: energy security; renewable energy
- Food/water security
- The Arctic: sovereignty, climate change, Indigenous communities, community sustainability
- Sustainable Development Goals