Dr. Mario Pinto
Vice-President, Research and International, University of Manitoba
Interviewed by Mehrdad Hariri
CEO & President, Canadian Science Policy Centre
Martine Lagacé
Associate Vice-President, Research Promotion and Development, University of Ottawa
Interviewed by Othniel Manasse GODÉ
Étudiant en maîtrise en développement régional, Université du Québec à Rimouski
Matt Jeneroux
Member of Parliament
Interviewed by Matt McTaggart
Assistant professor, Royal Military College
Bonnie Schmidt
President and Founder, Let’s Talk Science
Interviewed by Cathy Yan
PhD Candidate, University of British Columbia
Maxime Blanchette-Joncas
Member of Parliament
Interviewed by Claire Letanneur
Chercheuse postdoctorale, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières et Ulysse Biotechnologies
Maydianne Andrade
Biologist and Professor, University of Toronto | Co-founder and Inaugural President of the Canadian Black Scientists Network
Interviewed by Alamelu Bharadwaj
Research Associate, Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University
Chad Gaffield
CEO, U15 Canada
Interviewed by Angelly Vasquez
PhD McGill University
Mitch Davies
President, National Research Council Canada
Interviewed by Trushar Patel
Associate Dean, UofLethbridge
Jennie Z. Young
Executive Director, Canadian Brain Research Strategy (CBRS)
Interviewed by Trushar Patel
Associate Dean, UofLethbridge
Daan Du Toit
South Africa Government: Deputy Director General
Interviewed by Mehrdad Hariri
CEO & President, Canadian Science Policy Centre
Peter Stoicheff
President, University of Saskatchewan
Interviewed by Naheda Sahtout
CSPC Volunteer
Jean-François Doulet
Attaché for Science & Higher Education, French Embassy in Canada
Interviewed by Alessandra Zimmermann
Senior Manager, AAAS R&D Budget and Policy Program
Kate Moran
President and CEO, Ocean Networks Canada
Interviewed by Alexa D’Addario
CSPC Volunteer
Peter Elder
Chief Scientific Officer, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories
Interviewed by Victor Lotocki
PhD Candidate, University of Toronto
Dr. Ted Hewitt
President, SSHRC
Interviewed by Bipin Kumar B
Policy and Government Relations Coordinator
Dr. Naveed Aziz
Vice-President, Research and Innovation, Genome Canada
Interviewed by Naomi Shuman
CSPC Volunteer
Prof. Alejandro Adem
President, NSERC
Interviewed by Cathy Yan
PhD Candidate, University of British Columbia
Effrosyni (Faye) Diamantoudi
Interim Vice President, Research and Graduate Studies, Concordia University
Interviewed by Alexa D’Addario
CSPC Volunteer
Souriya Otmani
Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to Canada
Interviewed by Élodie Benoit-Bélanger
CSPC Volunteer
David Tweddell
VP Strategy and Planning, Digital Research Alliance of Canada
Interviewed by Nasrin Sultana
Postdoc Scholar, McGill University
Christopher Smith
Executive Chair, Arts and Humanities Research Council
Interviewed by Alessandra Zimmermann
Senior Manager, AAAS R&D Budget and Policy Program
Suzanne Brant
President & CEO, First Nations Technical Institute
Interviewed by Maria Bilen
CSPC Volunteer
Dana McCauley
CEO, Canadian Food Innovation Network (CFIN)
Interviewed by Nasrin Sultana
Postdoc Scholar, McGill University
Soukeye Dia Tine
Senegalese Ministry of Higher Education
Interviewed by Claire Letanneur Chercheuse
postdoctorale, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières et Ulysse Biotechnologies
Urs Obrist
Senior Science and Technology Counsellor, Embassy of Switzerland in Canada
Interviewed by Alessandra Zimmermann
Senior Manager, AAAS R&D Budget and Policy Program
Prof. Costanza Conti
Science Attaché, Italian Embassy in Canada
Interviewed by Alessandra Zimmermann
Senior Manager, AAAS R&D Budget and Policy Program
Abby Christopher
CSPC 2024 Youth Award Winner, Dalhousie University
Interviewed by Megan McGeehan
Graduate Student, Université de Montréal
Evan Fraser
Director of Arrell Food Institute and Professor in the Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics, University of Guelph
Interviewed by Cathy Yan
PhD Candidate, University of British Columbia
Marc Nantel
Vice President, Research, Innovation & Strategic Enterprises, Niagara College
Interviewed by Bipin Kumar B
Policy and Government Relations Coordinator
Michèle Stanton-Jean
Chercheure Collaboratrice au Centre de recherche en droit public (CRDP), Université de Montréal
Interviewed by Kim Santerre
Coordonatrice, Réseau ThéCell
Cate Murray
CEO, Stem Cell Network
Interviewed by Naomi Shuman
CSPC Volunteer
Karen Soldatić
Canada Excellence Research Chair – Health Equity & Community Wellbeing, Toronto Metropolitan University
Interviewed by Tam Pham
Postdoc Fellow – Dalhousie University, and Co-President – SCWIST (Society for Canadian Women in Science & Technology)