A Message from the Editors

Published On: November 2022Categories: 2022 Editorial, 2022 Magazine, Canadian Science Policy Magazine
A banner that says "message from the editors" with a headshot of an indian woman in greyscale and a white woman in color.


Sarah Laframboise

Canadian Science Policy Center

Production Director and Editorial Co-Chair

Pooja Mishra

Canadian Science Policy Center

Editorial Co-Chair

The world today stands at the crossroads of difficult decisions facing the health, climate, social, economic, and political upheavals globally. These uncertainties have had a deep impact on our present and hold potential to threaten the future of global science, innovation and health safety. As we rebuild a world, learning lessons from our collective responses and mistakes, there is no better time than now to engage experts, decision makers, and the people, in multifaceted discussions on the vision of a secured and sustainable future. 

This year’s CSPC magazine focuses on ‘Navigating Uncertainty and Targeting Sustainability’ and explores some such pressing issues of science and innovation, as well as their crucial role in building a more resilient society. We have curated diverse opinions and insights from some of the Canadian leaders working at the intersection of science, policy and society ecosystems. This year’s magazine also contains a glimpse of CSPC’s Science meets Parliament (SMP) program, as delegates from SMP-2022 share their personal experience and memorabilia.

Publishing a thoughtfully curated edition as this was only made possible because of our editorial team of dedicated CSPC volunteers, who brainstormed, reviewed and coordinated the entire editorial process from inviting the authors to the magazine assembly to its current format. We also thank our authors for taking time to offer insights on issues that will shape our collective future.