There is no longer any doubt today: much of the world of scientific publication is moving towards an immediate open access model, and Canada is taking part in this movement. Sooner or later, it will be expected that publications resulting from publicly-funded research will be made accessible to all, from the first day of publication, and if possible at no cost. Several models coexist to achieve these objectives: the diamond model, the gold model, the green model, etc. In the coming months and years, we will all have to become little alchemists, composing with our resources and our communities to build and support these more equitable publishing paths. But does anyone have the recipe? In this panel, we will discuss the changes and investments that will be essential to negotiate a complete transition of our scientific publishing system towards more open and equitable models. What does this mean in terms of public investment in publishing infrastructure? How far do we need to rethink research evaluation and funding practices? How can we reconcile the customs and realities of different scientific disciplines? We will be discussing these questions in the light of the strategies deployed by several research institutions around the world, as well as in the light of Canada’s linguistic specificities.
Summary of Conversations:
Coming Soon!