Plenary: 802

Canadian Research Facilities at the Forefront of Scientific Breakthroughs: The Long-Term Benefits of Supporting Fundamental Research

Organized by: Perimeter Institute
Panel Date: November 21, 2024
Marcela Carena
Jodi Cooley
Dr. Chithra Karunakaran
Dr. Rituparna Kanungo
Dr. Laurent Freidel

From quantum to cosmos, Canadian research facilities have made major scientific breakthroughs across the physical sciences, supported by investments in fundamental research by the Canadian government. This plenary session organized by the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics will bring together leading voices from some of Canada’s major research facilities. Join the discussion to discover the world-leading discoveries originating from Canadian research institutions: from detecting cosmic neutrinos 2km below ground, to opening a new window on the radio universe, from probing the building blocks of matter, to pushing the boundaries of modern physics. Learn more about the impact of science policy in support of fundamental science, and the long-term economic impact and societal benefits of basic research.

Summary of Conversations:
Coming Soon!

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