Re-emergent Canada: Reigniting French Language Scientific Research in Canada
Valerie Bradford

Credit: Bernard Thibodeau, House of Commons Photo Services
In June 2023, the Standing Committee on Science and Research tabled a report titled ‘Revitalizing Research and Scientific Publication in French Canada’. As a member of this committee, I had the privilege of hearing from various witnesses about their insight and experience of the ever-changing world of scientific research and how it relates to the decline of research produced in French.
This investigation left me with the lasting impression of the importance of balancing the protection of French education, research, and publishing with the reality that English has become the most prevalent global language which has allowed for an international exchange of knowledge. Even in non-English-speaking countries, English has dominated their scientific publication. The last several years have brought mass declines of publications in languages such as Italian, Spanish, German, and Japanese. This indicates that the reality of English replacing other languages in scientific publication is not one exclusively felt by francophones. Although perhaps alarming, this trend can be explained by researchers naturally leaning towards publishing in English as this allows for their findings to be accessible to a larger academic audience. This increased visibility in the scientific community results in more opportunities in terms of grants and other means of furthering a researcher’s career.
However, the trend of the decrease of French research poses very real concerns to both Canada’s francophone community and Canada as a whole. The decrease in French research indicates a decrease in high level French education which plays a role in endangering the French language in Canada. Francophone researchers, along with all researchers, should have the choice of publishing their findings in their primary language. Additionally, research conducted in the language of the region it concerns tends to be more accurate and inclusive of local issues. For example, the lack of French research in Canada has resulted in an overlooking of various issues that effect francophone communities, leaving gaps in policy understanding and community– specific solutions.
Canada is in a unique position in this ever-evolving world of research as, unlike many other countries with multiple official languages, one of Canada’s official languages is English: the language that has dominated global scientific discourse. Thus, it is paramount that we acknowledge the causal imbalance that has occurred in the language of publication of our nation’s scientific research due to the globalization of the English language. We cannot change the anglicization of the world, nor should we ignore that a common language has aided the global community in the exchange of knowledge and working together to achieve common goals. It is my belief that to revitalize French research and scientific publication across Canada we must continue to support our francophone researchers.
The Official Languages Act has made it clear that it is unjust for the government to insist that research is produced in either of our official languages and we must respect that francophone researchers may choose to publish in English, whatever their reasoning may be.
A pan-Canadian science strategy supporting scientific efforts in French would benefit more than just the French Canadian community. The addition of diverse representation would add important understanding to Canadian history, STEM-related fields, and our shared yet distinct cultural identity. It would strengthen the cultural ties that bond us while reinforcing the French Canadian heritage that has helped to shape our country. A strategic plan to strengthen the efforts, visibility, and impact of our French Canadian researchers, both globally and here at home, would protect the balance, vibrancy, and cultural duality that Canada is proud to be home to.
Some of the key ways we could support francophone researchers would be to follow the 17 recommendations outlined by the Standing Science and Research committee’s report; specifically ensuring that journals that claim to be bilingual are indeed publishing articles in both English and French, providing permanent funding for francophone journals and providing translation support for francophone researchers so their work may be published in both English and French. Some may view the publication of the same article in French and English as self plagiarism; therefore, we must continue to have discourse within the scientific community to ensure there are guidelines in place to ensure authenticity of work. Additionally, to ensure Canadians from coast-to-coast-to coast are able to learn the French language, the federal government should work alongside provinces and territories to ensure that French continues to be effectively taught and funded as a second language.
The lack of STEM-related scholarly reports and academic research that takes place in French has left its mark on the francophone communities. Historical understanding and localized research of topics that benefit the surrounding communities allow for communal unity and cultural legacy, as well as contribute to the ever-growing understanding of how the world works. Without local research, the ability for a culture to define itself by what it is lessens, and it begins to understand itself by what it is not. French Canadian communities are uniquely themselves. Their addition to the Canadian mosaic is undeniable, and yet they continue to see a lack of representation within the broader world that connects them to their heritage.
French Canadians are proud of their heritage – they are fiercely loyal to their cultural identity, and pride themselves on their unique history. A pan-Canadian strategy to support scientific efforts in French would allow francophone communities and their youth to connect to something that is uniquely their own. It would strengthen the bonds of francophone research locally and share this local knowledge abroad to contribute to the expanding scientific community. Protecting, investing in, and balancing this uniquely Franco-Canadian atmosphere would ensure that Canadians from coast-to-coast-to-coast can share in, contribute to, and reap the benefits of this shared cultural mosaic. Pursuit of a pan-Canadian science strategy for scientific research in French will allow for Canada to remain a global heavyweight in scientific research, while remaining committed to our cultural and linguistic duality.
The protection and presence of the French language in Canada is an essential aspect of our national identity and part of many Canadians’ personal cultural identity. It is discourse such as this that is essential to ensuring the continued protection of the French language in Canada. I would like to thank the Canadian Science Policy Centre for their important work of continuing this conversation and bringing attention to this important issue.