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The Canadian Science Policy Centre (CSPC) is pleased to announce the second edition of the Science Meets Parliament Program in BC. The applications are now being accepted for the program and the program is scheduled to take place in Victoria in spring (mid/late April) 2025, with the in-person event taking place over two days (Monday-Tuesday), subject to Parliament being in session. In the event of an election, the timing of the program may be delayed.

The deadline for applying has passed.

Disclaimer: In the event of an election, the timing of the program may be delayed.

CSPC is pleased to offer this program once again in the spring of 2025 to help strengthen the connection between the science and policy communities in British Columbia. The program provides an excellent opportunity for BC researchers to learn about the process of policymaking at the provincial Legislative Assembly.

The federal edition of the Science Meets Parliament program has been held four times since 2018, culminating with in-person events at Parliament Hill. The first SMP-BC event was held in April 2024 and brought over 30 emerging leaders from across BC to the Legislative Assembly for extensive engagements with MLAs. The program has been a great success, receiving positive feedback from both Science Meets Parliament delegates (federal and provincial) and participating Parliamentarians and MLAs.

SMP-BC is pleased to have the patronage of the Honourable Wendy Cocchia and the support of the Honourable Raj Chouhan


Hon. Wendy Cocchia

Lieutenant Governor

British Columbia

Chouhan-Raj Headshot

Hon. Raj Chouhan

Speaker of the Legislative Assembly

British Columbia

Special thanks to our sponsors

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Get involved with SMP BC!


The objective of this initiative is to strengthen the connections between Canada’s scientific and political communities in BC, facilitate a two-way dialogue, and promote mutual understanding. This program is designed to familiarize scientists with the intricacies of policymaking at the provincial political level, and encourage parliamentarians to incorporate scientific evidence into their policy decisions. This initiative is not a lobbying exercise, and Delegates are asked to avoid advocating for science funding or other support for a specific scientific program.

The Science Meets Parliament model is adapted from the successful Australian program held annually since 1999. Similar initiatives exist in the EU, the UK, and Spain.

CSPC’s program aims to benefit the political community, the scientific community, and the Canadian public.

Science Meets Parliament 2023
Orientation video

Benefits to MLAs

  • Engage with emerging leaders in the BC science community that drive science and innovation
  • Learn from BC scientists about resources in Canadian research institutions available to MLAs
  • Receive direct answers to questions they may have on scientific matters or background issues
  • Discuss how training highly qualified personnel (HQP) in their research laboratories contributes to local and provincial innovation and economies
  • Build lasting connections with BC scientists from diverse regions and specialties

Benefits to Scientists

  • Learn about the legislative and political processes and the reality of being a parliamentarian
  • Understand how their research can be useful to MLAs to maximize its impact
  • Gain insights about how to effectively communicate research to MLAs
  • Share insights and experiences from ‘Science Meets Parliament – British Columbia’ with peers and students at respective research institutions.
  • Build lasting connections with MLAs and their staff

Benefits to British Columbians

  • Bring together and encourage mutually beneficial engagements between scientists and MLAs
  • Foster a conversation about relevant issues using scientific evidence
  • Empower scientists with tools and strategies to better engage with MLAs, strengthening the role of science for the public good
  • Promote equity and diversity in science and amplify a range of voices from across BC

The program will be open to three groups of researchers affiliated with a post-secondary institution in British Columbia:

  • Researchers holding a full-time independent investigator position (for up to 10 years, excluding eligible leave, from their initial appointment)
  • Indigenous and/or Black researchers holding a full-time independent investigator position
  • Postdoctoral fellows who currently hold a CIHR / NSERC / SSHRC Tri-agency Postdoctoral Fellowship and are affiliated with a post-secondary institution in Canada (Postdoctoral Fellowship status must be announced by November 8, 2024).

Former Science Meets Parliament delegates (federal or provincial) are excluded from application.

About 40 researchers from a diverse range of disciplines are expected to participate in Science Meets Parliament – British Columbia in 2025. In future iterations of this program, we hope to expand the application process further to include researchers from more career stages.

A multi-disciplinary committee will oversee the application and selection process, during which the diversity of disciplines, geography, and identities will be considered.

The application deadline has been extended to December 6, 2024.

You can apply for all Science Meets Parliament programs that you are eligible for (e.g., federal and BC or federal and ON) – if selected for both, you will be able to decide which program you would like to participate in.

The program consists of about 6-8 virtual sessions as well as a two day in-person program in VancouverVictoria (currently tentatively scheduled for late April/early May 2025). To participate in the program, you must attend all scheduled events, including all virtual workshops and the in-person meetings at the British Columbia Legislative Assembly.

The Science Meets Parliament – British Columbia 2025 program will include:

  • An orientation session
  • Virtual workshops on evidence-based decision making, science communication and media, equity and diversity, policymaking in the Legislature, and policymaking in bureaucracy
  • Meetings with MLAs and staff members
  • Attending Question Period
  • Networking reception with MLAs and staff
  • Meetings with bureaucrats and public servants, to better understand policymaking at the non-political level of government
  1. Registration fee: Accepted delegates will be required to pay a registration fee of $1200 (independent researchers) or $800 (Postdoctoral Fellows), which includes admission to the program, breakfast, lunch, one dinner and an evening networking reception. All delegates will be responsible for their own travel and accommodation costs.
  2. Scientists who attend this session are required to share their experience and insights from the SMP-BC program through a lecture at their host institution and/or an editorial in a CSPC featured editorial series.

Delegates are highly encouraged to publish about their experience in academic or news publications. Participants are also encouraged to publish pieces in other media on their research to engage the general public.

For more information, please contact

If you have any questions about the program, please contact us at

Hon. Raj Chouhan

Speaker of the Legislative Assembly

British Columbia