NOVEMBER 13 – 25, 2019
11th Canadian Science Policy Conference 2009-2019 A Decade of Profound Impact Ottawa, Ontario
The conference will bring together scientists, entrepreneurs, policy-makers, politicians, journalists, students and many others from across the country to discuss, exchange ideas, and mobilize knowledge regarding the present and future of Canadian science, technology, and innovation policy.
Gala Dinner Opening Ceremony
CSPC team recognizing Mehrdad Hariri for a decade of contribution to Science Policy
Mehrdad Hariri Gala Dinner Speech
One on One with Chief Science Advisor
Canadian Science Policy Centre is pleased to announce the themes of this year conference. Since 2018, we have decided to have fix general themes in order to have a big tenet for all interesting discussions at the intersection of science, innovation policy and society. Each theme includes several topics. These topics are selected through consultations with experts, delegates feedback. While the proposals do not have to be within any specific bullet point, these topics are encouraged.