Plenary: 801

The future of national science funders: opportunities and challenges for North-South and South-South research collaboration

Organized by: FRQ
Panel Date: November 21, 2024
Naser Faruqui
Soukèye Dia Tine
Daan du Toit
Janice Bailey

This panel will bring together high-level participants from across around the world to discuss recent transformations in the global research landscape, and implications for international partnerships. It is an opportunity to reflect on significant changes in the mandate and work of science granting councils in Africa, as well as a new paradigm for equality and inclusivity between Northern and Southern funders. It will discuss the critical role of national and subnational funders in terms of setting agendas that directly inform key development challenges. In the context of the need for increased global collaboration to tackle shared goals, the panel will explore specific modalities—both bilateral and multilateral—that can enable greater links between Northern and Southern researchers. Looking to the future, the panel will explore ideas from the participating agencies for reducing barriers to equitable and inclusive collaboration, and explore possible implications for Canadian research and policymakers.

Summary of Conversations:
Coming soon!

Disclaimer: The French version of this text has been auto-translated and has not been approved by the author.