NOVEMBER 3-20, 2020
The proceedings include summary and recording of all sessions (panels, symposia, virtual functions) presented at CSPC2020.
These include: Video recordings, take away messages and action items, captured and edited by a professional writing team and edited by panelists.
Click on each topic to see the sessions.
CSPC 2020 Featured Videos
Remarks by Simon Kennedy
Deputy Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
Advancing Science and Research During a Pandemic
CSPC 2020 Interviews
The Honorable Minister Navdeep Bains
Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry
We have interviews available with:
- The Honourable Navdeep Bains
- Mona Nemer
- William Amos
- Rémi Quirion
- Jean Lebel
- Mehrdad Hariri
- Jacques Frémont
- Dame Ottoline Leyser
- John Hepburn
- Natalka Cmoc and Doug Bliss
- Joy Johnson
- Kim Gilbride, Rania Hamza, and Patricia Hania
- Roseann O’Reilly Runte
- Rafik Goubran
- Rob Annan
- Pamela Fralick
- Alejandro Adem
- Ted Hewitt
- Dugan O’Neil
And many more!
For the full list, click here: