Canadian Science Policy Centre (CSPC) recognizes individuals who exceptionally contribute to the fields of science policy and youth who show innovative evidence-based policy that positively impacts Canadians.
The objective of this initiative is to strengthen the connections between Canada’s scientific and political communities, enable a two-way dialogue, and promote mutual understanding. This initiative aims to help scientists become familiar with policy making at the political level, and for parliamentarians to explore using scientific evidence in policy making.
Canadian Science Policy Centre (CSPC) offers a series of training workshops that are designed to enable the next generation of science policy experts through professional development.
The Canadian Science Policy Centre (CSPC) invites industry leaders and experts to join a national conversation on Canada’s long-term innovation strategy by sharing insights and solutions for reversing Canada’s declining innovation performance.
Become a Volunteer
CSPC is a grassroots organization that relies on the contribution of volunteers for its development. Get involved today.
Become a CSPC Program Member
CSPC is excited to announce new Program Memberships. Program Members are organizations that benefit from and shape CSPC’s mission, programs, and activities throughout the year.
Canadian Science Policy Centre would like to thank our program members for their ongoing support.